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  • 5 rue ds boucheries
  • 83330 Le Castellet
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Événements terminés

Atelier Portes Ouvertes

15/02/2018 au 30/11/2018


Ouverture dde l atelier

Peintures de paysages provencal

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Exposition personnelle

15/04/2017 au 15/10/2017


porte ouverte au nouvel atelier THIEBAUT

Comme tous le ans depuis plus de 20 ans le peintre THIEBAUT ouvre son atelier...

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Exposition personnelle

02/07/2017 au 11/10/2017



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Un commentaire:

  1. Heather Hubbard

    3 octobre 2017 à 21 h 00 min

    Dear Mr. Thiebault,

    I was in le casslet,France. In 2016 and purchased a painting of yours. I am trying to teach myself how to paint like you. But I was wondering if you ever teach classes or mentor individuals? I think your work is amazing!!!

    If you would consider teaching me, do you ever come to America or other places we could meet? I could always come back to le castellet.

    Please respond and let me know more by nu.

    Looking forward to hearing from you. Oh yes, and what would you charge? I live in America, Colorado.

    Thank you,
    Heather hubbard


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