Laurette Succar - Artist Book Workshop 1/  Venice Art Biennial 2022 “Personal Structures”

Laurette Succar – Artist Book Workshop 1/ Venice Art Biennial 2022 “Personal Structures”

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‘Artist Book – From Concept to Completion’ with Laurette Succar.
Event organized by ECC Italy as part of the Venice Art Biennial 2022.

Join artist Laurette Succar for a creative workshop at Marinaressa Gardens.
Due to the weather conditions, the Workshop will take place at Palazzo Mora and not at Marinaressa Gardens.

Visual artist, painter and author, Laurette Succar is also editor of artist’s books with more than a hundred titles published since 2009.
She invites the participants of her workshop to follow the process of developing an artist’s book, from its conception to its realisation. After a historical and educational introduction, she will provide examples from her private collection of artworks in different formats, textures, bindings etc. The attendees will choose a category of artist’s book and shape their own prototype.

“During the 7 months period of Venice Art Biennial 2022, multiple events will punctuate ‘Personal Structures’ Exhibition : talks, performances, workshops and many other interactive propositions are going to take place in order to generate a conversation about the contemporary art’s developments, concepts and concerns.”

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